Ice pack conforms to hands

It's been a long time since I updated this website and I wanted to share my routine for managing this condition. Most of my flare-ups in the past have been mild-moderate. They were the worst during the pandemic, when I was heavily stressed. Right now, they are mild enough that I barely notice my condition.

I don't have any allergies or sensitivities. Like many people, my triggers are sweat, harsh products, stress, and excessive hand washing. I flare up more in the summer than in the winter.


1) The thing that reduced most of my flare ups was avoiding water and soap. I used to be an avid hand washer and it dried out my skin. Funnily enough, I would slather on thick moisturizer afterwards and it would make my hands sweat, worsening my eczema. Now, I've learned to keep a balance. I still wash my hands, but I use gloves when I cook, shower, and for any activity that wets my hands for a long period of time.

2) I use gentle soaps and lotions. Dove soap, Cetaphil cream, Vanicream, and Aveeno Oatmeal cream are all products I use. If I don't moisturize, my eczema will crack and bleed. The hand soap in public restrooms is the worst, I like to bring a mini soap bottle in my bag. I NEVER use hand sanitizers and avoid products with high alcohol content.

3) For itchiness, I use a cold compress. I know some people run their skin under hot water, but for me, that's drying and irritates the eczema more.

4) Exercising and going outside more also played a big part in my flareups becoming more mild.


-When my blisters are at their worst (swollen, inflamed, itchy), moisture makes them worse. At this stage, I use thin lotions and NEVER scratch these. I leave them alone and bandage them, Sometimes, I will use a topical steroid cream (clobetasol) if it's unbearable.

-For small, flatter blisters (dry, calm, not that itchy), I use a thick moisturizer like Cetaphil cream.

-When I see blisters beginning to form, I will dry them out. I use witch hazel or diluted tea tree oil. This is a once in a while treatment. If I did this every time I saw a blister, I would definitely irritate my skin.

disclaimer: I am not a medical expert. Do not use this site as a replacement for a medical professional's advice. I created this site as a way to keep track of different triggers and treatments.